Will America Attack North Korea?

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Will America Attack North Korea?

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War on the Korean peninsula would be catastrophic if launched. Defense Secretary Mattis said it “would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people’s lifetimes.”

No precedent exists for trying to destroy a nation’s nuclear capability by military means. The possibility of nukes detonating on the Korean peninsula should deter any country from risking the world’s first nuclear war, assuring losers, not winners.

Trump’s earlier threat about a possible “major, major conflict” with Pyongyang sounded like the ravings of a madman.

His refusal to engage the DPRK diplomatically assures no way of resolving bilateral differences. If surgical strikes are launched, catastrophic full-scale war will likely follow.

On Wednesday, US Forces Korea commander General Vincent Brooks belligerently said America is ready to go to war on North Korea straightaway if ordered.

“Self-restraint, which is a choice, is all that separates armistice and war,” he said. (W)e are able to change our choice when so ordered by our…national leaders. It would be a grave mistake for anyone to believe anything to the contrary.”

White House Deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to explain what Trump may do next, saying:

“We’ve been pretty consistent that we are never going to broadcast next steps, but I don’t have anything further on that right now.”

The Pentagon lied calling Tuesday’s DPRK intermediate-range ballistic missile test an ICBM, explained by Russia’s Defense Ministry.

On Wednesday, Trump talked tough, saying Pyongyang is “behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it.”

“We will see what happens. I have some pretty severe things that we are thinking about. That doesn’t mean we are going to do it. I don’t draw red lines.”

During an “emergency” Wednesday Security Council session, called by Washington, neocon UN envoy Nikki Haley threatened North Korea with a military option, saying “(w)e will use (it) if we must…”

Around 25 million South Koreans live within 50 miles of the heavily-fortified DMZ, including 10 million in Seoul, 35 miles from the North Korean border.

If attacked, DPRK artillery, rocket-launchers, and short-range ballistic missiles could inflict enormous damage, along with a devastating human toll.

Nuclear war would be catastrophic, affecting the entire peninsula, China, Russia and Japan.

Are hawkish generals in charge of US warmaking and Trump foolish enough to order the unthinkable?

Millions in East Asia have much to fear from a reckless administration perhaps willing to do anything to achieve its imperial objectives.

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